Cole Sager 2015 Crossfit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

Sandbag 2015For time:
Move 720 / 480 lb. of sandbags across the stadium
Men move 4 100-lb. bags and 4 80-lb. bags
Women move 4 70-lb. bags and 4 50-lb. bags
Sprint Course 1Sprint north through obstacle course4th00:18.53
Sprint Course 2Sprint south through obstacle course5th00:18.96
Soccer ChipperFor time:
100-ft. Pig flip (560 / 395 lb.)
4 legless rope climbs
100-ft. handstand walk
Clean and Jerk1-rep-max clean and jerk7th325 lbs
Triangle Couplet15-10-6 reps for time of:
Thrusters (165 / 115 lb.)
Bar muscle-ups