Event | Description | Finish | Score |
Event 1 200m Swim 4000m Run | 6th | 22:02.0 | |
Event 2B | Event 2 Buy in 30/24 cal ski 3 rounds 2 Legless Rope climbs 15 Hand Stand Push-ups 5 sandbag clean 150/100 lbs Time cap 7min | 3rd | 05:37.0 |
Event 2A | Event 2 Buy in 30/24 cal ski 3 rounds 2 Legless Rope climbs 15 Hand Stand Push-ups 5 sandbag clean 150/100 lbs Event 2A score is the skierg buy-in Time cap 7min | 11th | 00:50.0 |
Event 3A | EMOM x5 10/8 cal bike + 1 snatch Score is total weight lifted over all 5 rounds | 19th | 309 kg |
Event 3B | Immediately after event 3A, athletes have 2 minutes to find their 1 RM max snatch | 6th | 123 kg |
Event 4 | For Time 3 Rounds 20/16 Cal row 23 wall balls 12\9kg 26 Toes to bar 2 Rounds 40 Double unders 2 clean & jerks 225\155lb 20 Burpee box jump over 24/20in | 19th | CAP + 138 |
Event 5 | In 4min 20 DB snatch 32.5\22.5kg 30/24 cal Air Bike Max Ring Muscle ups Rest 2 min For 4 minutes 20 chest to bar 30/24 cal Air Bike Max DB hang clean and jerk 32.5\22.5kg | 19th | 0 reps |