Jonne Koski 2025 Wodapalooza Top 10 Event Finishes

Two Rounds Too Many2 Rounds For Time
50/40 Cal Bike
1000m Run
150 Box Step or Jump Overs
Time Cap: 35 Minutes
The Ocean Drag Drive RaceFor Time
21/18 Cal Row
21 T2B
Sled Drag

1min Rest

18/15 Cal Row
18 T2B
Sled Drag

1min Rest

15/12 Cal Row
15 T2B
Sled Drag

Time Cap: 11 Minutes
Sled Weights
Rd 1 - Light | Rd 2 - Medium | Rd 3 - Heavy
High Stakes, Tight Ropes75 VELITES Heavy Dubs
90ft HS Walk
21 Wall-Facing HSPU
Each arm: 12 SA DB Snatch + 12m SA OH DB Lunge
6/4 Legless Rope Climbs
Each arm: 12 SA DB Snatch + 12m SA OH DB Lunge
21 Wall-Facing HSPU
90ft HS Walk
75 VELITES Heavy Dubs
Time Cap: 15 Minutes
Cuban PressFor Time
25 C2B Pull-ups
25 Burpees OT Blocks
40 DB Bench Press
25 Burpees OT Blocks
25 C2B Pull-ups
Time Cap: 11 Minutes
Worth The WeightFor Max Load
3 Attempts - 1RM Clean + Hang Clean
Time Cap: 9 Minutes
10th350 lbs