Event | Description | Finish | Score |
For time: 1-mile swim with fins 3-mile kayak | 2nd | 1:09:09.0 | |
For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Wall walks Thrusters, 135 | 185 lb. (short bars) Time cap: 20 min. | 10th | 16:36.46 | |
For time: 30 toes-to-bars 1.5-mile run 30 toes-to-bars 1.5-mile run 30 toes-to-bars Time cap: 27 min. CUT TO 20 ATHLETES | 1st | 21:10.18 | |
11-min. AMRAP: 1 pegboard ascent 7 single-arm dumbbell overhead squats, 50 | 70 lb. 15 heavy double-unders | 2nd | 271 reps | |
6-10-14 reps of: Deadlifts, 275 | 405 lb. (short bars) Freestanding handstand push-ups Time cap: 7 min. | 8th | CAP + 11 | |
For time: 600-m row 90 chest-to-bar pull-ups 36-ft. back-rack walking lunge 36-ft. front-rack walking lunge 36-ft. overhead walking lunge 135 | 185 lb., short bar Time cap: 11 min. | 9th | 07:25.77 |