Katie Price 2022 Madrid Championship Event Results

Round 1For Time
2K Run
Round 2For Time
Toes to Bar
48thCAP + 100
Need For SpeedFor Time
25 Heavy Double Under
4-3-2-1 Clean
M: 105-115-125-135 kg
F: 70-75-85-90kg
50thCAP + 82
AtochaFor Time
30 Deficit HSPU 15cm/9cm
20 Sandbag Clean 150/100lbs
25m Sandbag Carry
25 Deficit HSPU 15 Sandbag Clean
25m Sandbag Carry
20 Deficit HSPU 10 Sandbag Clean
25m Sandbag Carry
43rdCAP + 106
The Rings and The RampFor Time
15 Ring MU 40 Wallballs 9/6kg
HSW Ramp Down and Back
12 Ring MU 30 Wallballs
HSW Ramp Down and Back
9 Ring MU 20 Wallballs
HSW Ramp Down
43rdCAP + 55
True Form True FitnessFor Time:
7 Rope Climbs
500/400m TrueForm
12m OH Lunge (85/60)kg
55thCAP + 407
Yoke and RollFor Time
60/40 Cal Row
4 Rounds
20 GHD Sit Up
20m Yoke Carry (230/160) kg
Dirty SaigaFor Time
50 Chest to Bar
30/24 Cal Fan Bike
20 Double DB Thruster (30/22.5)kg
20m Tank Push
45thCAP + 92