Kaiden Myers 2023 CrossFit Games (16 - 17) Top 5 Event Finishes

Olympic TotalFor load:
1-rep-max snatch
1-rep-max clean and jerk
4th545 lbs
Farmer's FieldFor time:

84-foot farmers carry to Pigs
21 burpee Pig jump-overs
Farmers carry around 3 dummies
50 wall-ball shots
50-calorie row
50 wall-ball shots
Farmers carry around 3 dummies
21 burpee Pig jump-overs
84-foot farmers carry
Pulling Power3 rounds for time:

3 rope climbs
10 deadlifts
42-foot sled pull
126-foot sled push
Endure the ColiseumFor time:

50-calorie SkiErg
50-calorie Echo Bike
75 double-unders
50-calorie SkiErg
50-calorie C2 Bike
75 double-unders
Final PositionsFor time:
20 bar muscle-ups
30 alternating dumbbell squat snatches