Charlotte Davies 2022 French Throwdown Event Results

Laser BMX RunFor time : BMX Run 5 shots - 10 attempts BMX Run 5 shots - 10 attempts BMX Run 5 shots - 10 attempts BMX Run 5 burpees penalty for each uncompleted shot Tiebreak : Time at last shooting sequence completed36thCAP + 18
Laser BMX RunFor time : BMX Run 5 shots - 10 attempts BMX Run 5 shots - 10 attempts BMX Run 5 shots - 10 attempts BMX Run 5 burpees penalty for each uncompleted shot Tiebreak : Time at last shooting sequence completed29th14:26.0
Axle Helen3 Rds:
500m ROW
21 Axle Bar Hang Snatch 30-20kg
12 C2B
Axle Helen3 Rds:
500m ROW
21 Axle Bar Hang Snatch 30-20kg
12 C2B
Echo SprintFor Time:
60 Cal Echo Bike
30 Shoulder to Overhead 90-65kg
18thCAP + 74
Echo SprintFor Time:
60 Cal Echo Bike
30 Shoulder to Overhead 90-65kg
30thCAP + 89
ChipperFor time :
100 DU
40 GHD Sit ups
30 One Leg Squat Left Leg
12 Bar MU
12 Ring MU
12 Bar MU
30 One Leg Squat Right Leg
40 GHD Sit ups
100 DU
8thCAP + 358
ChipperFor time :
100 DU
40 GHD Sit ups
30 One Leg Squat Left Leg
12 Bar MU
12 Ring MU
12 Bar MU
30 One Leg Squat Right Leg
40 GHD Sit ups
100 DU
35thCAP + 189
Husafell Carry6 Rounds of:
20 Cal Skierg
20m Husafell bag carry 150/100lb
14thCAP + 162
Husafell Carry6 Rounds of:
20 Cal Skierg
20m Husafell bag carry 150/100lb
2017 Remix6 Rounds of:
15 Thrusters 45-30kg
15 Burpees Facing Bar
2017 Remix6 Rounds of:
15 Thrusters 45-30kg
15 Burpees Facing Bar
10thCAP + 170
HSW3km Bike erg
75 Box Jumps overs
7x distance Handstand Walk
2Km Bike erg
50 Box Jumps overs
5x distance Handstand Walk
1km Bike erg
25 Box Jumps overs
3x distance handstand Walk
HSW3km Bike erg
75 Box Jumps overs
7x distance Handstand Walk
2Km Bike erg
50 Box Jumps overs
5x distance Handstand Walk
1km Bike erg
25 Box Jumps overs
3x distance handstand Walk
Snatch + OHS Elite Ladder1 Snatch + 1 OHS
19th75 kgs
Snatch + OHS Elite Ladder1 Snatch + 1 OHS
13th120 kgs