Ellia Miller 2023 Crash Crucible Top 10 Event Finishes

2016 Regionals Event 1 - "Re-Chase"For Time 10 Thrusters (185/135) 8 Thrusters (205/145) 6 Thrusters (225/155) 4 Thrusters (245/165) 2 Thrusters (265/175) 10 Minute Time Cap3rd04:48.0
2019 Games Sprint Couplet "Re-Ring"14/12 Ring Muscle Up 70m Sled Push (45/Empty) 14/12 Ring Muscle Ups 2:00 Minute Rest until Part B1st02:17.0
2012 Games Med Ball HSPU "Re-Bag"For Time 7 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder 14/12 Parallette HSPU (14"/9") 7 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder8th03:56.0