Victor Hoffer 2022 Dubai Fitness Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

Burj Khalifa ChallengeRun up the Burj Khalifa (160 Floors) with a weighted vest (7kg/10kg)9th34:44.0
Get a GripFor Time:
30/22 Cal Ski
40 Toes to Bar
40 Snatch 75/55
30/22 Cal Ski
40 Toes to Bar
20 Snatch 115/75
30/22 Cal Ski
40 Toes to Bar
10 Snatch 185/135
22:00 Minute Cap
Fast Like an Oryx4 Sets:
Intervals 2:30 On / 1:00 Off
10 Shuttle Run
10 Burpee Box Clear 24/20”
Max Reps Thrusters
Weight One:70's/50's
Weight Two: 50's/35's
7th50 reps
Walking with the DevilFor Time:
Unbroken HSW (Total 100’ in two 50’ segments)
20 Ring Muscle Up
30 Devil Press (35#)
Double DB OH (35#) walking lunge to finish