Event | Description | Finish | Score |
Aeneas "Regrip" | 3 Round for time 3/2 Pegboard ascents 20 / 15 cal skiers 100' Zercher Yoke Carry (285/185) | 4th | 07:38.0 |
2016 Regionals Event 5 "Re-Flip" | 4 Rounds for time 400m Run 30 GHD Situps 7 Flipsled (500/36) | 2nd | 15:42.0 |
2018 Games Handstand Walk "Re-Wind" | For Time 300' Handstand Walk 60' Course - 20' HSW Obstacle (Ramp + Ramp) - 20' HSW Hurdles (5) - 20' HSW Obstacle (Stairs + Stairs) Each 20' section must be done unbroken. | 1st | 03:39.0 |
2011 Regionals 100s Chipper "Re-Tool" | For Time 100 Toes to Bar 100 Dual KB Snatch (35/26) 100 Box Jumps (24/24) 100 KB Squats (Athletes Choice) | 3rd | 18:45.0 |
2012 Games Med Ball HSPU "Re-Bag" | For Time 7 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder 14/12 Parallette HSPU (14"/9") 7 Sandbag Ground to Shoulder | 2nd | 02:48.0 |