Event | Description | Finish | Score |
For Time 10M Overhead Lunges 70kg/45kg 10M Handstand Walk 20/15 Ring Muscle Ups 10M Handstand Walk 10M Overhead Lunges 70kg/45kg 20 Shoulder to Overhead 70kg/45kg | 4th | 04:53.0 | |
For Time
2 Squat Clean 110kg/75kg 150M Assault Run 2 Squat Clean 110kg/75kg 150M Assault Run 2 Squat Clean 110kg/75kg 150M Assault Run 2 Squat Clean 110kg/75kg 150M Assault Run 2 Squat Clean 110kg/75kg | 5th | 04:50.0 | |
Final Part A | In 2 minutes: - 20 / 30cal BikeErg Then, accumulate reps of - Dumbbell Thruster 22.5 / 30kg 1 minute pause before part B The score is determined by the number of Thrusters | 1st | 01:04.0 |
Final Part B | In 2 minutes - 20 Burpees Box Jump Over Then Accumulate reps of - Dumbbell Thruster 22.5 / 30Kg 1 minute pause before part C The score is determined by the number of Thrusters | 3rd | 01:04.0 |
Final Part D | In 2 minutes, go until 55 reps are complete! - Dumbbell Thruster 22.5 / 30Kg | 1st | 01:57.0 |