Alison Stall 2020 CrossFit Mayhem Classic Event Results

5 Mile Ruck RunTime to complete mile 1 of a 5 mile ruck run (30/20 lbs ruck)4th15:47.76
5 Mile Ruck RunTime to complete a 5 mile ruck run (30/20 lbs ruck)5th56:49.95
100 foot handstand walk
18 DB Squat Snatch (100/70 lbs.)
100 foot handstand walk
14 DB Squat Snatch (110/75 lbs.)
100 foot handstand walk
10 DB Squat Snatch (120/80 lbs.)
100 foot handstand walk
23rdCAP + 20
25 Burpee Box Get-Overs (48 inches)
50/40 Cal Assault Bike
50 GHD Situps
25 Bar Muscle Ups
50 GHD Situps
50/40 Cal Assault Bike
25 Burpee Box Get-Overs (48 inches)
14thCAP + 13
150 ft. lunge walk (75/50)
30 Sandbag Cleans
150 ft. lunge walk (75/50)
10 Rounds for time
50/40 Double Unders (Zeus Rope)
2 Legless Rope climbs (women alternate rounds of 1 & 2 legless climbs)
26thCAP + 40
12-10-8-6-4-2 Paralette HSPU (Abmat/Abmat+Blue Competition Plate)
6-5-4-3-2-1 Squat Cleans (275/185 lbs)
26thCAP + 57