Amy Hosking 2022 CanWest Games Top 5 Event Finishes

Sell Your Soul Cycle2-2-2-3 Minutes on / 1:00 off to Complete
30/22 Cal Bike Erg
Dumbell Snatch
12@100/70 - 24@80/60 - 36@70/50
HWPO SelectionEMOM
3 Hang Clean
3 Front Squat
3 Shoulder to Overhead
Min 0-3: 185/135
Min 3-6: 195/145
Min 6-9: 205/155
Min 9-12: 215/165
Min 12-15:225/175
Min 16: 235/185
Min 17: 245/195
Min 18: 255/205
*Weight starts 185/135 and every 3 minutes athletes will add 10lbs, until the final 3 minutes when weight changes every minute until there is one athlete standing.
4th1800 lbs
In The TrenchesFor Time
24 Box Jump Over 30in
12 Burpee Bar MUs
24 Strict HS Pus
200 foot Torque sled push
24 Strict HS Pus
12 Burpee Bar MUs
24 Box Jump Over 30in
10 Sandbag over the shoulder 200/150
15 Minute Time Cap