Event | Description | Finish | Score |
Flipped Off | FOR TIME | 3-3-3-4 MIN ROUNDS OF: Buy-in: 75 Heavy Dubs 25 Medball GHD's With remaining time, each round: Flipsled Flips ~1min Rest b/w Rounds | 5th | 16:00.0 |
Echo Fran | FOR TIME | 21-15-9 Thrusters (135, 95lb) C2B Cal Echo Bike Time-Cap: 10 Minutes | 2nd | 06:29.37 |
The Bayside Chipper | FOR TIME: 48 Box Jump Overs (24, 20in) 24 Double KB FR Box Step-Overs (62lb, 44lb) 8/6 Rope Climbs 24 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24, 20in) 48 KB Deadlifts (62lb, 44lb) Time-Cap: 10 Minutes | 3rd | 07:04.1 |
Row, Swim, Run | FOR TIME 2,500/2,000m Row 250m Swim 2,000m Run Time-Cap: 30 Minutes | 4th | 22:54.0 |
Celebrate Ten | FOR TIME 5 Rounds of: 15 HSPU 5 Overhead Squats (205, 125lb) Right into, 5 Rounds of: 5 Ring Muscle Ups 15 Overhead Squats (115, 80lb) Time-Cap: 12 Minutes | 9th | CAP + 16 |
WZAOC Remix | FOR TIME 55 T2B 55 Devil Press (50, 35lb) Time-Cap: 9 Minutes | 1st | 06:58.6 |