Alessandra Pichelli 2017 Crossfit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

1 Rep Max Snatch1-rep-max snatch2nd202 lbs
Muscle Up Clean Ladder8 rounds for time of:
4 bar muscle-ups
2 cleans, ascending weight

M 225-245-265-285-305-320-335-350 lb.
F 145-160-175-190-205-215-225-235 lb.
Madison Triplet5 rounds for time of:
Run 450 meters
7 hay bale clean burpees

M 100-lb. sandbag F 70-lb. sandbag
2223 Intervals2 minutes on, 1 minute off:
2 rope climbs
10/7-cal. SkiErg
Max-rep OHS

4th round extended to 3 minutes.
Go until 75 reps of OHS are complete.

M 155 lb. F 105 lb.