Kara Saunders 2022 CrossFit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

Bike to WorkFor time:
75 toes-to-bars
5-mile bike
75 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5-mile bike
Elizabeth Elevated21-15-9-9-9 reps for time of:
Squat cleans
Dips with parallel bar traverses
Women: 95-lb cleans
Men: 135-lb cleans
Time cap: 10 minutes
Up and Over3 rounds for time:
12 muscle-ups
25 jump-overs
30 GHD sit-ups
Then, 84-ft weighted lunge
W: Jump 50-in log, 30-in box, 20-in Pig, lunge 125-lb axle bar
Men: Jump 50-in log, 42-in box, 20-in Pig, lunge 185-lb axle bar
Rinse 'N' RepeatEvery 2 minutes:
50-yard swim
8-cal Ski Erg*
*Add 2 calories each round for 6 rounds,
then complete as many calories as
possible for rounds 7 and 8.
5th130 reps
Hat Trick3 rounds for total time of:
20 wall-ball shots
6 dumbbell snatches
Rest 4 minutes between rounds
14-lb ball to 11 ft
Snatch 70-lb DB
20-lb ball to 12 ft
Snatch 100-lb DB
The AlpacaFor time:
126-ft sled push, decreasing in load
20 KB C&J
42-ft sled push with 2 KBs
15 KB C&J
42-ft sled push with 4 KBs
10 KB C&J
42-ft sled push 6 KBs
W: 6- 24-kg KB M: 6- 32-kg KB
Back NineFor time:
54-ft yoke carry
2 front squats
3 deadlifts
2 front squats
54-ft yoke carry
Women: 485-lb yoke, 215-lb squat, 315-lb deadlift
Men: 665-lb yoke, 315-lb squat, 475-lb deadlift
Jackie ProFor time:
1,000-m row
50 thrusters
30 bar muscle-ups
Women: 65 lb
Men: 95 lb