Event | Description | Finish | Score |
Friendly Fran | 3 Rounds for Time 21 Thrusters (115/85 lb) 21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups | 3rd | 04:28.0 |
2007 Reload | For time: 1,500-meter row Then, 5 rounds of: 10 bar muscle-ups 7 shoulder-to-overheads W 145 lb. M 235 lb. | 5th | 15:45.13 |
Corn Sack Sprint | For time: 320-meter hill sprint with a corn sack W 30 lb. M 50 lb. | 5th | 03:35.2 |
CrossFit Total | For total load: 1-rep-max back squat 1-rep-max shoulder press 1-rep-max deadlift | 2nd | 884 lbs |
Damn Diane | 3 rounds: 15 deadlifts 15 strict deficit handstand push-ups W 205 lb., 2-in. deficit M 315 lb., 3.5-in. deficit | 3rd | 02:34.0 |
Handstand Sprint | For time: 100-yard handstand walk | 1st | 01:21.22 |
1000M Row | 5th | 03:21.10 | |
Ranch Loops | Run along 3-mile+/- course through varying terrain | 5th | 1:14:34.89 |
Nasty Nancy | 5 rounds: 500-m run 15 overhead squats 15 bar-facing burpees W 125 lb. M 185 lb. | 5th | 19:21.0 |
Toes-To-Bar/Lunge | 30-20-10 reps for time: Toes-to-bar Kettlebell lunge (yards) W 24-kg kettlebells M 32-kg kettlebells | 3rd | 03:51.5 |
Snatch Speed Ladder | For time: 1 snatch at each bar Quarterfinal: W 145-150-155 lb. M 225-235-245 lb. Semifinal: W 160-165-170 lb. M 245-255-265 lb. Final: W 175-180-185 lb. M 265-275-285 lb. Time caps: 1 - 2 - 3 minutes | 2nd | - |
Awful Annie | For time: 50-40-30-20-10 Double-under GHD sit-up 5-4-3-2-1 Clean W 185 lb. M 275 lb. | 3rd | 09:10.0 |
Bike Repeater | 10 rounds: 440-meter bike sprint 1 legless rope climb (15 ft.) | 5th | 16:39.54 |
Happy Star | 4 rounds: 200- to 300-meter hill run 5-7-9-11 reps of: Burpee Thruster W 95-105-110-115-lb. thrusters M 135-145-155-165-lb. thrusters | 4th | 10:05.21 |
Swim 'N' Stuff | 4 rounds, each for time: Air bike calories (10 | 15) 50-meter swim 10 GHD sit-ups 10 ball slams (40 | 60 lb.) Rest Begin a new round every 4 minutes *Rounds 2 and 4 performed in reverse | 4th | 09:39.96 |
Sprint Sled Sprint | 100-yard sprint 100-yard sled push 100-yard sprint W 80-lb. sled M 105-lb. sled | 2nd | 01:07.81 |
Atalanta | 1-mile run 100 handstand push-ups 200 single-leg squats 300 pull-ups 1-mile run W 14-lb. vest M 20-lb. vest | 5th | 1:00:19.1 |