Jack Farlow 2022 CanWest Games Event Wins

HWPO SelectionEMOM
3 Hang Clean
3 Front Squat
3 Shoulder to Overhead
Min 0-3: 185/135
Min 3-6: 195/145
Min 6-9: 205/155
Min 9-12: 215/165
Min 12-15:225/175
Min 16: 235/185
Min 17: 245/195
Min 18: 255/205
*Weight starts 185/135 and every 3 minutes athletes will add 10lbs, until the final 3 minutes when weight changes every minute until there is one athlete standing.
1st5560 lbs
Punch The ClockFor Time
Axle Bar Thruster 115/75
50ft HS walk
25 ft OH Axle Bar Lunge to finish @ 185/135
12 min Time Cap
*Athlete loads their own bar for lunge
Lunge and HS walk must be unbroken