Anikha Greer 2023 Madrid Championships Top 5 Event Finishes

FacilitoFor Time
42 - 30 - 18 C2B
21 - 15 - 9 Snatch

M: 65/75/85 KG
W: 45/55/65 KG
Lifting TestClean and Jerk
3 Rounds
90 second Window

50 Jump Bar DUs
1 Clean and Jerk

90s Rest
2nd105 kg
The Burpee MakerFor Time
75 Burpees

2 Minute Intervals
16/12 Cal Row
12 Thursters 40KG/30KG
Max Bar Facing Burpees
Rap-Air-Up3 Rounds For Time

HSW (Up stairs/Down Ramp)
20/15 Cal Ski Erg
12/9 Ring Muscle Ups
HSW (Up Ramp/Down Stairs)
IberusFor Time
400M Run
3-2-1 Legless Rope Climb
8-5-3 IBERUS Flips (230KG/170KG)

*Women first rope climb of each round legless