Luke Parker 2023 North America East Semifinal Top 5 Event Finishes

Test 2As many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

5 ring complexes (1 toe-to-ring, 1 muscle-up, 1 ring dip)
20 single-leg squats
Max burpees over box

Complete 3 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds. Score is total burpees over the box across the 3 rounds.

W Wear a 10-lb ruck, 24-inch box
M Wear a 20-lb ruck, 30-inch box
4th47 reps
Test 4For load:

800-m Assault AirRunner
Max snatch

Time cap: 6 minutes. Following the time cap, athletes will have 2 minutes to reset for Test 5.
3rd300 lbs
Test 73 rounds for time of:

15/10 Echo Bike calories
20 toes-to-bars
60-foot sandbag bear-hug carry

Time cap: 6 minutes

W 150 lb
M 200 lb