Denis Dubois 2019 Down Under CrossFit Championship Event Results

Clean and JerkThe athlete is given 3 x 1 minute attempts to complete their maximum effort of clean and jerk. The lift must be at complete extension prior to buzzer sounding.
67th267 lbs
Three Rounds
10 Muscle ups
20 Single Arm DB Squat Clean Thrusters Males 70lbs / Females 50lbs.
100 Double Unders
71stCAP + 266
40 Strict HSPU
80 Wall Ball 20/14lbs
120 Cal Male / 80 Female Row
41stCAP + 239
30 Bar Muscle ups
30 Cal Males / 20 Cal Females Row
30 Snatch 135lbs Males / 95lbs Females
30 Cal Males / 20 Cal Ski Erg
65thCAP + 97
30 Sandbag Cleans Males 150lbs Female 100lbs
Handstand Walk to Finish.
70thCAP + 40