Tyler Tosunian 2018 Dubai CrossFit Championship Event Results

Gulf Swim21-15-9
Dual KB Snatch 24kg/16kg (53/35 pounds)
Dual KB Front Squat 24kg/16kg (53/35 pounds)
Then 350M Swim

Time Cap: 15 Minutes
Baywatch800m Assault Air Runner
350m swim

Time Cap: 15 Minutes
4X44K Run with 20/14 pound weight vest
4K Run without vest

Time Cap: 90 Minutes
Max Snatch5 minutes to establish a 1RM max snatch29th111 kg
Acid Bath500m SkiErg
500m Row
1000m Bike Erg
Monkey Business9 Rope Climbs
40M Handstand Walk
6 Rope Climbs
40M Handstand Walk
3 Rope Climbs
40M Handstand Walk

Time Cap: 7 Minutes
The Sprint20M Sandbag Carry (150/100 pounds)
12/10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24in/20in)
30/20 Cal Assault Bike
12/10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24in/20in)
20M Sandbag Carry (150/100 pounds)

Time Cap: 7 Minutes
Lift Off15 Snatches 90kg/60kg (198/132 pounds)
15 Clean and Jerk 110kg/80kg (242/176 pounds)

Time Cap: 6 Minutes
The FinalFor Time
4 Rounds of:
6 Bar Muscle-Ups
3 Devil Presses (2x85/55 lb)
Then, 3 Rounds of:
15 Toes-to-Bars
60 Double-Unders
Then, 2 Rounds of:
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
5 Cleans (100/70 kg)
Finally, perform:
10 meter Right-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges (85/55 lb)
10 meter Left-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges (85/55 lb)
Time Cap: 13 minutes