Michelle Kinney 2014 Crossfit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

Triple 3For time:
Row 3,000 meters
300 double-unders
Run 3 miles
Sprint Sled 1Sled push for time (100 / 60 yards)7th00:36.20
Sprint Sled 2Sled push for time (100 / 60 yards)7th01:26.0
Muscle Up BiathlonFor time:
400-meter run
18 muscle-ups
400-meter run
15 muscle-ups
400-meter run
12 muscle-ups
Each time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run a 200-meter lap.
9thCAP + 0
Sprint CarryFor time:
Sprint 100 yards
100-yard carry (100 / 60 lb. cylinder)
Sprint 100 yards
100-yard carry (120 / 80 lb. sandbag)
Sprint 100 yards
100-yard carry (150 / 100 lb. cylinder)
Push PullFor time of:
7 handstand push-ups (deficit for men)
50-foot sled pull
8 deficit handstand push-ups
50-foot sled pull
9 deficit handstand push-ups
50-foot sled pull
10 deficit handstand push-ups
50-foot sled pull
Double GraceFor time:
60 clean and jerks (135 / 95 lb.)