Stacie Tovar 2012 Crossfit Games Top 5 Event Finishes

Sprint300-yard Shuttle sprint for time:
Run to the 50-yard line and back
Run to the 100-yard line and back
ChipperFor time:
10 Overhead squats (155 / 105 lbs)
10 Box jump overs (24in / 20in box)
10 Fat bar thrusters, (135 / 95 lbs)
10 Power cleans (205 / 125 lbs)
10 Toes to bar
10 Burpee muscle-ups
10 Toes to bar
10 Power cleans (205 / 125 lbs)
10 Fat bar thrusters, (135 / 95 lbs)
10 Box jump overs (24in / 20in box)
10 Overhead squats (155 / 105 lbs)