Lauren Fisher 2023 Dubai Fitness Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

Weightlifting CompetitionSnatch - 3 attempts in 1min
Clean & Jerk - 3 attempts in 1min

Score = Total Weight

Tiebreaker =
If you hit the lift on attempt 1 = 9 points
If you hit the lift on attempt 2 = 6 points
If you hit the lift on attempt 3 = 3 points
10th185 kg
Event 3 by Piscil10 Rounds For Time

1 Legless Short Rope Climb
10 Thrusters (40kg / 30kg)
35 Heavy Double-Unders
Time Cap = 12mins
5thCAP + 368
Event 7For Time

Power Cleans (80/50kg)
3x30m Farmers Walk (Jerry Can)

Time Cap = 5min
6thCAP + 54