Arthur Semenov 2023 Wodapalooza Top 10 Event Finishes

E2 - Back to the FutureFor Time:
5/4 Legless Rope Climbs
40 Weighted GHD Sit-ups (20,14lb)
90' Double KB Overhead Walking Lunge (53, 35lb)
20 Double KB Hang Clean & Jerks
1 Mile Assault Run
20 Double KB Thrusters
90' Double KB Front-rack Walking Lunge
40 GHD Sit-ups
5 Rope Climbs
E4 - We Have Lift Off1RM Clean & Jerk
3 Attempts in 4 min
5th365 lbs
E4 - We Have Lift Off (B)1min after Part A Max Clean and Jerk
Parallette Free-standing Handstand Hold
Max Time
10 seconds to get into hold
1 attempt