Moe Kelsey 2010 CrossFit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

Shoulder-to-OverheadWithin 90 seconds of completing Pyramid Double Helen: 1-rep-max Shoulder-to-Overhead10th255 lbs
Sandbag Move For time: Move 600/370 lb. of sandbags down the stairs, across the stadium floor, up the wall and up the stairs.5th07:37.0
Cleans-Handstand Pushups7 rounds for time of:
3 cleans (205/135 lb.)
4 handstand push-ups (Ring HSPU for men)
12-minute cap
The Final 13 rounds for time of:
30 push-ups with hand release
Over the wall
21 overhead squats (95/65 lb.)
7-minute cap
9th128 reps
The Final 33 rounds for time of:
5 burpee wall jumps
20-foot rope climbs (3 for men, 2 for women)
12-minute cap
7th21 reps