Guilherme Malheiros 2021 CrossFit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

For time:

126-ft. sled drag, 180 | 220 lb.
5 Pig flips, 350 | 510 lb.
12 muscle-ups
12 bar muscle-ups
12 bar muscle-ups
12 muscle-ups
5 Pig flips
126-ft. sled drag

Time cap: 12 min.
For time:

550-yard sprint

Time cap: 4 min.
5 rounds for time of:

250-m run
1 clean

Women: 165 | 175 | 185 | 195 | 205 lb.
Men: 245 | 265 | 285 | 305 | 315 lb.

Time cap: 7 min.
8thCAP + 0
5 rounds for time of:

200-m run out of the Coliseum
1 clean

Women: 210 | 215 | 220 | 225 | 230 lb.
Men: 325 | 335 | 340 | 345 | 350 lb.

Time cap: 8 min.
For time:

Navigate the handstand walking course

Time cap: 5 min.
11-min. AMRAP:

1 pegboard ascent
7 single-arm dumbbell overhead squats, 50 | 70 lb.
15 heavy double-unders
6th254 reps
1 Rep Max Snatch1-rep-max snatch1st305 lbs
6-10-14 reps of:

Deadlifts, 275 | 405 lb. (short bars)
Freestanding handstand push-ups

Time cap: 7 min.
9thCAP + 12
For time:

600-m row
90 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36-ft. back-rack walking lunge
36-ft. front-rack walking lunge
36-ft. overhead walking lunge

135 | 185 lb., short bar

Time cap: 11 min.