Griffin Roelle 2023 Dubai Fitness Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

Weightlifting CompetitionSnatch - 3 attempts in 1min
Clean & Jerk - 3 attempts in 1min

Score = Total Weight

Tiebreaker =
If you hit the lift on attempt 1 = 9 points
If you hit the lift on attempt 2 = 6 points
If you hit the lift on attempt 3 = 3 points
1st300 kg
Event 4 by EMOM CompanyEMOM x 15

Min 1: 25 Toes-To-Bar
Min 2: 16/12 Calorie Echo Bike
Min 3: Max Front Squats (95kg / 65kg)
Min 4: Rest
Score = Time, after you complete 60 front squat reps
Score = 15min + Total Front Squats (<= 60)