Nikita-Jenna Van Rooyen 2019 Fittest in Cape Town Top 10 Event Finishes

obstacle course10th04:20.0
Bar, Ring, rope monkey bar course5th00:45.0
Strongman DianeFor Time
25 meter Carry
Then, 9-6-3 reps of:
Handstand Push-Ups
Finally, perform:
25 meter Sled Pull
Time Cap: 8 minutes
The Spot Light LaddersWave 1: (For Time - Increasing Loads)
5 Squat Clean
4 Squat Clean
3 Squat Clean
2 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean

The top 12 times will move on to Wave 2
Wave 2: (For Time - Increasing Loads)
3 Squat Clean
3 Squat Clean
2 Squat Clean
2 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean

The top 6 times will move on to Wave 3
Wave 3: (For Time - Increasing Loads)
1 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
The 100M HSW Sprint100m Handstand Walk8th04:54.0