Jessica Schwartz 2019 Brazil CrossFit Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

Row Swim5 rounds for time:
500/400m row
100m swim
Cap: 20min
March of PainFor time:
25 deficit handstand push-ups
50 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Then 5 rounds of:
5 dumbbell hang-to-overhead 30/22.5kg
10 box step-overs with dumbbell

Cap: 17min
Graceful Ropes5 rounds for time:
2 rope climbs
6 sandbag cleans @60/40kg

Cap: 7min
Strongman's WindFor time (with a weight vest 10/6kg):
40-cal. bike erg
12-m farmer's carry 91/61kg
80 double-unders
12-m farmer's carry 91/61kg
40-cal. bike erg
12-m bear hug carry 80/60kg
80 double-unders
12m bear hug carry 80/60kg
16-m run

Cap: 8min
Up and Side DownFor time:
10-8-6-4-2 ring muscle-ups
16-m handstand walk after each round

Cap: 7min
Last Man StandingFor time:
20-cal. Assault Bike
12-m kettlebell overhead walking lunge 24/16kg
7 elimination rounds
8th1 reps