Nicolay Billaudel 2020 Norwegian CrossFit Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

40 Bar facing burpees
30 Snatch 35/25kg
30 Bar facing burpees
30 Snatch 60/40kg
20 Bar facing burpees
30 Snatch 75/50kg
10 Bar facing burpees
AMRAP Snatch 95/65kg
For time:

84 Wallballs 20/14lbs to 10/9ft
38 Toes to bar

Time cap: 5 min
Immedietly followed by a 1 minute transition before starting event 5
For time:

14m HSW
22 DB Box step overs 22.5/15kg
14ft HSW
22 DB Box step overs 22.5/15kg
14m HSW
Time cap: 7 min
4thCAP + 195
For Time:

5000m C2 Bike

On 0:00: 20/15 Cal row
On 3:00: 20/15 Cal skierg
On 6:00: 15/10 Cal row
On 9:00: 15/10 Cal skierg
2 Minutes ON, 1 minute OFF x 4 Rounds

Complete 2 rounds of:
6 Deadlift 130/90kg
6 Strict deficit HSPU

Then Amrap Double unders
8th588 reps
3RM Front squat9th145 kg