Saxon Panchik 2020 The Rogue Invitational Top 5 Event Finishes

Last Person Standing Part BPart A
Power Snatch 95/65
First 4 min: 50 reps for time

Part B
Min 5 starts Last Person Standing EMOM starting at 11 reps per minute. Reps increase by 1 each minute until no athletes finish.
5th110 reps
Clean and Jerk Lift OffTieBreak First
For Time:
7 Clean & Jerks

1 min time cap


5 Min Rest


Clean and Jerk Liftoff

Mens weight start at
290 and go up 10 every round

Women weight start at
195 and go up 5 every round

1 min to make your lift
3 min rest
4th350 lbs
ChipperFor Time:
40 Calories Row
30 Dball Squat Clean 100/70
20 Box Step Over w/ Dball 24/20
40 Strict HSPU
20 Box Step Over w/ Dball 24/20
30 Dball Squat Clean 100/70
40 Calories Row

Time Cap: 20 min