Luke De Jonge 2023 Down Under Championship Top 5 Event Finishes

Get to the pointFor Time
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-Ups
1km Beach Run
25 Deadball Cleans
1km Beach Run
20 Chest-to-bar Pull-Ups
15 Bar Muscle-Ups

M: 70 KG
W: 50 KG
25 Minute Time Cap
Grace and Double GraceFor time: (8min CAP)

60 Clean & Jerks*

*The first 30 reps will be for time and will be scored separately(Event 7) to the 60 reps for time (Event 8). Both parts of the event are worth 50 points each.

M 60kg
W 42.5kg
Grace and Double GraceFor time: (8min CAP)

60 Clean & Jerks*

*The first 30 reps will be for time and will be scored separately(Event 7) to the 60 reps for time (Event 8). Both parts of the event are worth 50 points each.

M 60kg
W 42.5kg