Will Moorad 2020 CrossFit Filthy 150 Top 10 Event Finishes

Handwalk HurrySki 1000/700m for time
On 0:00, 2:00, 4:00
20m HS Walk

8 min cap
D-Couplet21 - 15 - 9
Bar Muscle Ups
Back Squats at 90/60kg
1 Rep Max SnatchMax Snatch
4 lifts each
-12 lifters on the floor
-2 lifters go every 30 secs
-20 sec window to lift
1st135 Kg
GalenFor Time

2 Unbroken Rope Climbs
Run 400m
2 Unbroken Rope Climbs
Run 400m
2 Unbroken Rope Climbs
Run 400m
2 Unbroken Rope Climbs

Time cap : 8:00
Big Go9 Burpee Over Box
15 Deadlifts(120/90kg)
21 Burpee Over Box

-3 minute cap