Alex Kotoulas 2024 UAE Storm Games Top 5 Event Finishes

Event 1
200m Swim
4000m Run
Event 3AEMOM x5
10/8 cal bike + 1 snatch
Score is total weight lifted over all 5 rounds
4th525 kg
Event 5In 4min
20 DB snatch 32.5\22.5kg
30/24 cal Air Bike
Max Ring Muscle ups
Rest 2 min

For 4 minutes
20 chest to bar
30/24 cal Air Bike
Max DB hang clean and jerk 32.5\22.5kg
2nd55 reps
Event 654m sandbag carry 200/150lb
8 pull overs
36m Handstand Walk + Ramp
8 pull over
54m sandbag carry 200/150lb