Alex Kotoulas 2019 Dubai CrossFit Championship Top 5 Event Finishes

10 rounds of
5 Ring Muscle ups *unbroken
10m Handstand Walk *unbroken
Score Event 5: Time
Time cap:10 min men / 12 min women
60 Calories Echo Bike
60 Toes-to-bar
3 Rounds
10 Burpee Box jump over
10 Thrusters (60 KG / 40KG)
Time cap: 12 min / 14 min
Score Event 10: Time to complete 60 calories and 60 toes to bar
Score Event 11:Time to complete the whole workout
60 Calories Echo Bike
60 Toes-to-bar
3 Rounds
10 Burpee Box jump over
10 Thrusters (60 KG / 40KG)
Time cap: 12 min / 14 min
Score Event 10: Time to complete 60 calories and 60 toes to bar
Score Event 11:Time to complete the whole workout