Christian Lucero 2016 Crossfit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

The SeparatorMen
For time:
12 ring handstand push-ups
15 back squats (225 lb.)
20 burpees
9 ring handstand push-ups
18 front squats (205 lb.)
20 burpees
6 ring handstand push-ups
21 overhead squats (185 lb.)
20 burpees
For time:
15 back squats (165 lb.)
20 burpees
6 ring handstand push-ups
18 front squats (145 lb.)
20 burpees
4 ring handstand push-ups
21 overhead squats (125 lb.)
20 burpees
2 ring handstand push-ups
The Plow560-ft. plow drag for time (235/190 lb.)3rd01:28.45