Noortje Bleeker 2022 Madrid Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

Need For SpeedFor Time
25 Heavy Double Under
4-3-2-1 Clean
M: 105-115-125-135 kg
F: 70-75-85-90kg
AtochaFor Time
30 Deficit HSPU 15cm/9cm
20 Sandbag Clean 150/100lbs
25m Sandbag Carry
25 Deficit HSPU 15 Sandbag Clean
25m Sandbag Carry
20 Deficit HSPU 10 Sandbag Clean
25m Sandbag Carry
The Rings and The RampFor Time
15 Ring MU 40 Wallballs 9/6kg
HSW Ramp Down and Back
12 Ring MU 30 Wallballs
HSW Ramp Down and Back
9 Ring MU 20 Wallballs
HSW Ramp Down
9thCAP + 108
True Form True FitnessFor Time:
7 Rope Climbs
500/400m TrueForm
12m OH Lunge (85/60)kg
Yoke and RollFor Time
60/40 Cal Row
4 Rounds
20 GHD Sit Up
20m Yoke Carry (230/160) kg