Aimee Cringle 2022 Dubai Fitness Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

Burj Khalifa ChallengeRun up the Burj Khalifa (160 Floors) with a weighted vest (7kg/10kg)2nd32:31.0
Ride or DieElimination Event
Opener (20 Athletes): 40/30 Cal Echo + 4/3 Legless (4:00)
Semi Final (10 Athletes): 30/20 Cal Echo + 3/2 Legless (3:00)
Final (5 Athletes): 20/10 Cal Echo + 2/1 Legless (2:00)
Heavy HandedFor time:
75 Heavy Rope Double Unders
100' SB Carry 200/150
50 Chest to Bar
100' SB Carry 200/150
75 Heavy Rope DU
Start, drag, carry, chest to bar, drag, cross finish.
7:00 Time Cap