Event | Description | Finish | Score |
Workout 1A | A. Minutes 0-8 complete Buy in of 200 Double Unders Then AMRAP 4 Cluster (185LB/125LBS) 8 BMU Minutes 8-10 Rest B. Minutes 10-16 mins Find a 3 rep max OHS from the rack | 8th | 262 reps |
Workout 2 | For Time: 50 Calorie Row 50 Toes to Bar 25 Sandbag Over Shoulder (150LB/100LB) 50 Box Step Overs (24"/20") with 50LB/35LB Dumbbells 25 Sandbag Over Shoulder 50 Toes to Bar 50 Calorie Row Time Cap: 21 min | 1st | 17:23.0 |