Scott Panchik 2016 Crossfit Games Top 10 Event Finishes

Murph - PartitionedFor time, with a 20 / 14-lb. weight vest:
1-mile run
Then, 5 rounds of:
20 pull-ups
40 push-ups
60 squats
Then, 1-mile run
Each athlete will wear weighted body armor for the duration of the event.
Time cap: 55 minutes
Squat Clean PyramidFor time:
10 squat cleans (245 / 165 lb.), by 2:00
8 squat cleans (265 / 180 lb.), by 4:00
6 squat cleans (285 / 195 lb.), by 6:00
4 squat cleans (305 / 205 lb.), by 8:00
2 squat cleans (325 / 215 lb.), by 11:00
Double DT10 rounds for time of:
12 deadlifts (155 / 105 lb.)
9 hang power cleans (155 / 105 lb.)
6 push jerks (155 / 105 lb.)
The SeparatorMen
For time:
12 ring handstand push-ups
15 back squats (225 lb.)
20 burpees
9 ring handstand push-ups
18 front squats (205 lb.)
20 burpees
6 ring handstand push-ups
21 overhead squats (185 lb.)
20 burpees
For time:
15 back squats (165 lb.)
20 burpees
6 ring handstand push-ups
18 front squats (145 lb.)
20 burpees
4 ring handstand push-ups
21 overhead squats (125 lb.)
20 burpees
2 ring handstand push-ups
10thCAP + 18
Handstand Walk280-ft. handstand walk for time3rd01:42.66
RedemptionFor time:
3 pegboard ascents
21 thrusters
2 pegboard ascents
15 thrusters
1 pegboard ascent
9 thrusters
Men 135 lb., Women 85 lb.