Scott Panchik 2017 Crossfit Games Top 5 Event Finishes

Triple-G Chipper100 pull-ups
80 GHD sit-ups
60 one-legged squats, alternating
40-cal. row
20 dumbbell push presses

M 100-lb. dumbbell
F 70-lb. dumbbell
Strongman's FearMove yoke, farmers log and sled 150 ft. across field
*Handstand walk when moving back
M 500-lb. yoke, 200-lb. logs, 400-lb. sled
F 340-lb. yoke, 120-lb. logs, 310-lb. sled
Muscle Up Clean Ladder8 rounds for time of:
4 bar muscle-ups
2 cleans, ascending weight

M 225-245-265-285-305-320-335-350 lb.
F 145-160-175-190-205-215-225-235 lb.
Fibonacci FinalMen
5-8-13 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
203-lb. kettlebell deadlifts
Then, 53-lb. KB OH lunge 89 ft. to finish line

3-5-8 reps of:
Handstand push-ups
5-8-13 reps of:
124-lb. kettlebell deadlifts

Then, 35-lb. KB OH lunge 89 ft. to finish line
5thCAP + 7