Zack George 2019 CrossFit Lowlands Throwdown Top 5 Event Finishes

For time:
1500m/1000m Concept 2 Bike
10 Dumbbell snatches (45/30 kg)
10 Burpee box jump overs (30/24 in)
10 Dumbbell snatches
10 Burpee box jump overs
10 Dumbbell snatches
10 Burpee box jump overs
21-15 and 9 reps for time of: Thrusters(35kg/25kg) Chest-to-bar pull-ups4th03:48.0
For time: 4 Rope climbs 4 Clean and jerks(115kg/80kg) 2 Rope climbs 2 Clean and jerks(125kg/90kg) Time cap: 4:00 min2nd02:24.0