Rebekka Hoek

Age: 31 Instagram:
Height: 5ft 3in/159 cm Weight: 128 lbs/58 kg
Country: Netherlands Continent: Europe
Affiliate: World Wide Ranking: 206th (5860 Points)


Past Results

2024 Competitions Overall Average Event Finish Event Wins Event Top 5 Finishes Event Top 10 Finishes
Individual Quarterfinals87140.8000
World Wide Quarterfinals253470.3000
CrossFit Open622993.7000

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2023 Competitions Overall Average Event Finish Event Wins Event Top 5 Finishes Event Top 10 Finishes
French Throwdown3628.4000
Individual Quarterfinals73108.4000
World Wide Quarterfinals224372.2000
CrossFit Open357934.8000
2022 Competitions Overall Average Event Finish Event Wins Event Top 5 Finishes Event Top 10 Finishes
French Throwdown2422.6011
World Wide Quarterfinals455 - - -
Individual Quarterfinals139204000
CrossFit Open1144 - - -
2021 Competitions Overall Average Event Finish Event Wins Event Top 5 Finishes Event Top 10 Finishes
Individual Quarterfinals219 - - -
CrossFit Open1783 - - -
Lifty McLiftface